Thursday, September 08, 2005

Im so tired of life

Im so tired of life. i feel like giving up and letting myself rot away. i wish whatever it is that makes me feel this way would crawl out and die. ive lost touch with everything. i have no appetite, even when im hungry. i have no motivation. my emotions are out of control. the smallest things make me break down. nobody cares. my family doesnt even take the situation seriously. it doesnt bother me much though, becuz i lack feeling for anyone. i dont want to be a burden. im just tired of pushing people away, but i cant help it. i hate myself. and at the same time i like who i am. i want to let them know, but then i feel like an attention whore. everything about me is a contradiction. Dont you just hate it when people say they could help when they really couldn't???... its like saying.."COME I CAN HELP YOU!... I KNOW FRIGGIN PROBLEMS AND I UNDERSTAND!"... i felt like screaming such rude words to them...but they are my friend... and I'd worse if they wasnt... so instead,, I told them to GO AWAY and FLY WITH THE BIRDS...COZ THEY'd NEVER UNDERSTAND ME! Gosh I feel like im going downward spiral where everything swell as emotions go down by... who would've thought that I...myself, could have him... people wont just mind their DammmmNn Im sorry that im not racist enuff to be part of the stupid thing... gah!!! people these daysss!!! Yess so me and my FrIeNdS have plans to make a society of people that hates people...LOLZ!!! yeahhhh that'd be soOooOo coOL!... antagonist freeaaaaks and oxymorons in the friggggggin club! .... ahahahaha gosh I have my ways to get what I want... My life itself is just made up of Forced smiles...and quiet tears... there really is no way for Love to save you! If you think that way then your enigmatic stupidity has taken over you!!! and I must say your brain is pretty infected and dementically mind me

--Nobodys fool

1 comment:

Joseph Librero said...

I told you last night, you might be a mean-time boy to yourself but I will never be a mean-time friend (actually,its not only me cla M Qui-Gon, D.D and the others also are not your mean-time friend). Bro, when you first acted weird and you said a lot of hurtful words I never gave up on you. I'll email you the rest of this since its not good to post everything here.