Sunday, September 11, 2005

Have you finally found?

Have you finally found the one you've given your heart to
Only to find that one won't give their heart to you.

--Mandy Moore


Joseph Librero said...

yeah i did! and it was painful. but think about it, isnt it part of the bargain of giving? I mean, we (human beings)don't have any consensus that when ever somebody gives you something you have to receive it, right? When we give our heart to somebody, we are making ourselves vulnerable to pain from that person - esp if that person rejects you. It will only be painful if you think about the pain but if you think about the "joy of loving" that person even that that person might not love you back, the joy of sharing jokes with that person, the joy of the person's company even for a moment, then I believe its worth the pain.

Immortelle said...
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